Babies and children

Children grow up and their rest changes

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Rest is essential for your baby’s physical and psychological development

During the first months of life, infants are driven by their instincts and their body’s needs. This is why newborns usually sleep between 14 and 18 hours a day and, as they get older, wake windows become more regulated.

To make sure that the baby’s back is in the right position, the cot’s mattress and base must be rigid enough for the baby to rest comfortably without sinking in. In addition, it is not recommended to use a pillow until the child is at least two years old.

The most important feature of cot protection products is waterproofing, as it is very common that after sleeping for several hours the nappy is damp, the baby sweats while sleeping and even something unexpected happens after eating. In Velfont you can find products adapted to the measurements of your baby’s cot and accident-proof.

Did you know that when you sleep your neurons, organs and immune system are strengthened? Rest stimulates the baby’s appetite, reinforces the stimuli and learning that the baby experiences when awake, and improves the baby’s ability to grow.

We help you to
configure your cot

There is a wide range of cot accessories
We help you to choose the best
option through our guide.


Discover the range of products for newborns 


What should your baby’s cot look like?


Dimensions of the cot

The most common cot sizes are 60×120 cm and 70×140 cm, but the most important thing is that it is wide and comfortable enough to facilitate their movements, as babies spend a lot of time in it, even while awake and playing.



In the case of a cot with bars, it is recommended that the distance between them does not exceed 6 cm, precisely to prevent the baby from putting any part of its body between the bars. In addition, the minimum height of the rail is recommended to be 55 cm from the highest point of the mattress.



The wheels are very useful for moving the cot easily from one room to another, but it is important that at least two of the four wheels have brakes to prevent unwanted movement.


The mattress

The mattress should fit the bed base or the frame with at most a couple of centimetres of clearance. It must also be firm enough so that the baby does not sink in, adopting a correct and healthy posture during sleep.


Putting our baby to sleep can sometimes be a risky sport. It is common that when they are so young they find it difficult to sleep soundly, wake up at the slightest movement or even cry for no apparent reason.


Over time, their sleep cycles are regulated along with their physiological needs. In the meantime, here are some useful tips to help your baby sleep better:


  • As far as possible, follow a routine timetable so that the baby gets used to the resting hours.
  • Make sure that the temperature of the baby’s room is just right, neither too hot nor too cold
  • Avoid having your baby sleep in direct sunlight or under drafty windows
  • The safest sleeping position is on the back and with the head slightly to one side
  • Put your baby to bed when they are drowsy but still awake. In this way, the baby will associate going to the cot with going to sleep
  • Try to create a calm and relaxing environment for the baby, even if you sometimes have to sleep away from home
  • Give the baby his time. Just like adults, babies need their time to settle in
  • Try to reduce excessive care at night. In this way, he will gradually learn to calm down on his own